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Welcome to On Point Global Solutions

On Point Global Solutions was created to fill the needs of our rapidly expanding base of Domestic and International customers.

We provide a World Wide Infrastructure capable of locating, contracting, shipping and warehousing raw materials, manufactured products and services.

On Point Global Solutions is an active partner of the World Wide Cooperative of Certified Trade Brokers who work together to fill the needs and provide services to their respective customers.

Our mission is simple; to deliver products and services for up to 90% less than traditional sources, and to provide first class service in the process.

Success, at least for us, is measured over years of satisfied clients, profitable transactions and a rock solid reputation.

Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation and we’ll work with you to take your business to the next level.

Thank you,

Scott Manley Managing Partner

On Point Global Solutions

Richland, WA USA 99352
(Office) 513-827-2088
On Point Global Solutions


On Point Global Solutions

Welcome to On Point Global Solutions
We are ready
to work for you!

On Point Global Solutions
specializes in assisting
your company to:

Secure Brand Name, Full
Warranty Products at
Liquidation Prices or less.

Access new Product Sources
including new manufactured goods,
factory over-runs, distressed,
recovered, refurbished, and
abandoned merchandise.

President, CEO or contract with Resident
Import/Export Agents to Source
Products Internationally.

Locate & receive price quotes for
products manufactured to your
Private Label specifications.

Arrange Escrow Funding, Interim
Financing, Barter Exchange
and Floorplan
(Inventory Financing) Services.

But that's just the beginning!

On Point Global Solutions
will help you create and
maintain a Global Identity to
sell and promote your Products
or Services Worldwide.

Access new Product Sources
including new manufactured
goods, distressed, recovered,
refurbished, and abandoned

List Your Product, Materials,
Merchandise needs with our
Global Database to receive a comprehensive listings,
competitive prices and
sources from suppliers.

Join or create a Buying Alliance
or Buying Group to benefit from
additional savings and
Purchase Power.

On Point Global Solutions

Today and let us go to
work for you!

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