• import_export_institute_logisitics_airfrieght1
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Are You Ready To Export?

Your first step to exporting is to think about the resources and knowledge your business already has and to consider changes you may need to make.

Consider the following:


  • Are your export objectives clear and achievable?
  • Do you have a realistic idea of what exporting entails and what it takes to succeed?
  • Are you open to new ways of doing business?

Human resources

  • Can your staff handle the extra demand associated with exporting?
  • Is your team committed to succeeding in new markets?
  • Can you respond quickly to customer inquiries?
  • Do you have personnel with culturally-sensitive marketing skills?
  • How will you deal with language barriers?

Financial and legal resources

  • Can you obtain enough capital or lines of credit to produce the product or deliver the service?
  • Will you find ways to reduce the financial risks of international trade?
  • Do you have people to advise you on the legal and tax implications of exporting?
  • How will you deal with different monetary systems?
  • Is your intellectual property protected?


  • Have you the resources to do market research?
  • How do you plan to enter export markets?
  • Is your product or service viable in your target market?

Customer profile

  • Who already uses your product or service?
  • Is it in broad general use or limited to a particular group?
  • Is it popular with a certain age group?
  • Are there other significant demographic patterns to its use?
  • What climatic or geographic factors affect the use of your product or service?

Product modification

  • Are modifications required to make it appeal to foreign customers?
  • What is its shelf life? Will this be reduced by time in transit?
  • Is the packaging expensive? Can it be easily modified to satisfy the demands of foreign customers?
  • Is special documentation required? Does it need to meet any technical or regulatory requirements?


  • How easily can it be transported?
  • Would transportation costs make competitive pricing a problem?

Local representation

  • Does it require professional assembly or other technical skills?
  • Is after-sales service needed? If so, is it available locally or do you have to provide it? Do you have the resources to do this?

Exporting services

  • If you are exporting services, what is unique or special about them?
  • Are your services considered to be world-class?
  • Do you need to modify your services to allow for differences in language, culture and business environment?
  • How do you plan to deliver your services: in person, with a local partner or electronically?


  • Can you serve both your existing domestic customers and your new foreign clients?
  • Will you be able to look after your export customers if domestic demand increases, or vice versa?

Contact us today.  We’re ready to go to work for you.


On Point Global Solutions

Welcome to On Point Global Solutions
We are ready
to work for you!

On Point Global Solutions
specializes in assisting
your company to:

Secure Brand Name, Full
Warranty Products at
Liquidation Prices or less.

Access new Product Sources
including new manufactured goods,
factory over-runs, distressed,
recovered, refurbished, and
abandoned merchandise.

President, CEO or contract with Resident
Import/Export Agents to Source
Products Internationally.

Locate & receive price quotes for
products manufactured to your
Private Label specifications.

Arrange Escrow Funding, Interim
Financing, Barter Exchange
and Floorplan
(Inventory Financing) Services.

But that's just the beginning!

On Point Global Solutions
will help you create and
maintain a Global Identity to
sell and promote your Products
or Services Worldwide.

Access new Product Sources
including new manufactured
goods, distressed, recovered,
refurbished, and abandoned

List Your Product, Materials,
Merchandise needs with our
Global Database to receive a comprehensive listings,
competitive prices and
sources from suppliers.

Join or create a Buying Alliance
or Buying Group to benefit from
additional savings and
Purchase Power.

On Point Global Solutions

Today and let us go to
work for you!

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  • Are You Ready To Export?
    Your first step to exporting is to think about the resources and knowledge your business already has and to consider changes you may need to make. Consider the following: Expectations Are your export objectives clear and achievable? Do you have a realistic idea of what exporting entails and what it takes to succeed? Are you […]